Tuesday, July 4, 2000

July 4, 2000: Bonnie & Tessie

It was nice to be able to spend the day with my mom.  We did some errands.  We visited Hazel's sister, Tessie, in the nursing home off of Seminole Ave.   We thought the facility was gorgeous.   I don't think Tessie knew who we were, but I'm glad we went to see her.  Hazel Wentzloff was one of my grandmother's good friends from Muskegon.    Hazel used to go visit her down in Florida.    After her last trip down to FL, something must have upset Hazel, as she never spoke to my grandmother again.   Both my grandmother and I have no idea why. We tried to trace back what happened, but couldn't figure it out.   

After we visited with Tessie, we went to see the outside part of the facility and met this nice old lady resident. She was sitting outside looking at the pond.    She said she enjoyed sitting there and watching the ducks.    It was very enjoyable just sitting there.

We checked out the new Agape Assisted Living home over by the Norton Shores library.   

I got to meet grandpa's new girlfriend, Bonnie.   She seemed very nice.    One of her kids used to live a couple houses down the street from us on Lawnel.

I still can't believe my grandfather started dating one month after my grandma passed away.

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