Saturday, June 26, 2004

June 26, 2004: Marseilles, France

We went to Marseilles, France after Barcelona, Spain.   Then, we took a bus ride up to the city, Avignon, which is about halfway between Paris and Marseilles.   It is a beautiful town.    There is this huge palace in Avignon where another Pope used to reside hundreds of years ago. I didn't know there were two popes way back then.   There was a struggle with that in both France and Italy at that time.  It was due to alot of politics.   We went on a guided tour of this magnificent palace.   Then, we had lunch at one of the outdoor cafes in the town.   It was a charming little town.    There was also a double deck carousel in the town which I have never seen before.
We did a little shopping here and then took the bus back to Marseilles and toured the city.  We went to a cathedral at the top of this mountain that overlooked the city.   There were quite a few steps to the top. I was worn out walking up there.
I started coming down with a sore throat on this day so I was starting to not feel so good, so after the tour, I went back to my room and rested most of the evening.   I had to pack my bags, too, as we were getting off the boat the next day.  
My aunt came down with a cold, too, that same day.   My cousin had been sick in the beginning of the cruise and so was another person that was with us, so that is probably how I got it.   Plus, being on the go so much, I probably lost the resistance to fight off the cold.
Sunday,  we got off the ship and flew from Genoa to Paris.

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