Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stupid Dog Owners

I must be on a 'stupid people' tangent this week, as I am seeing so many of them. ha ha

Last night, I was taking my dog outside at 11 p.m. and this big dog comes up to us. I wondered where the owner was. She was nowhere around. Maggie's teeth were coming out and she was barking like crazy. Of course, I had picked her up, as I am afraid of big dogs around her, after she was attacked by a boxer 3 yrs ago here at the apartment complex. I did sue the girl for vet bills and won, but have never been able to collect on it. I've done all of the paperwork that can be done to seize her property, too.

Anyway, I yelled at the owner to come get your dog. I had to yell twice. The dog was trying to jump on us. All dogs at the complex are supposed to be leashed. Finally, the owner comes with a leash. She is all smiley. Of course, I am not smiley, as I am protecting myself and my dog. I was grumpy and told her that she needs to leash her dog and that Maggie has been attacked by a dog here before. She says 'her dog would never hurt anyone.' That's what all dog owners say, as well as mothers of murderers. lol I was not too happy with her! I will report her to the front office, too. I won't hesitate to call the police or Vector Control to take the dog away, if there is no owner in sight. I don't want to become an old bitty in my aging process, but so tired of seeing such stupid, lazy people everywhere.

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