Today, I went to two movies. Brittanie's 13th birthday was yesterday, so I took her out for lunch and to a movie of her choice. We went to see Marlie & Me. I didn't say to her that I had already seen it, as I knew she wanted to see it. Anyone who has a dog, would relate to this movie.
While watching it the 2nd time around, I picked up on some things I had missed the first time.
I think the hardest thing besides losing a close one, is to lose your beloved pet.
Maggie has been in my life for 5 years now, and I can't imagine my life without her. She is always there at the door when I come home, on my bed at night, and doesn't seem to care how fat I might look. She is just the most devoted friend in the world.
A nurse from work, Betsy, gave me the choice on which dog I would like...the black one or white one. At first, another employee, Jean, was going to take the white one, but then changed her mind, so I took the white one. I looked on the computer at dog names and Maggie just rang a bell with me.
It is quite fitting that Maggie was born under a computer desk, as I love to play around on my laptop.
Anyway, when Betsy brought Maggie to me at 6 weeks, I was so excited. The first day, this little 3 pound dog was so scared that she went and hid behind the refrigerator. You can imagine the panic, as I had never had a dog before and was so scared she would get hurt behind that refrigerator. I called Betsy for help.
The other place that Maggie liked to hide was under the lazy boy. We had to watch it when we got out, that she was out of there.
That first night, I put Maggie in a crate that was all filled with comfy blankets and toys. Well, she howled and threw up a couple of times. So, I washed her linens and put her back. I eventually let her out of there.
After week 1, she had peed all over the house and both my mom and I wondered what we were getting into. At one point, I thought that I made a mistake and that I should give her back.
But, after week 2, I started to fall in love with Maggie and life hasn't been the same since.
Maggie has been one spoiled dog. She has a swimsuit, Burberry coat, toys galore, comfy bed, and many outfits.
Maggie has been on family vacations to: Ann Arbor, Chicago, Indiana, Jamestown, NY, and Mackinaw City.
I gave her doggie birthday parties the first three birthdays, which were alot of fun. My friends and their dogs came over for the party. We played games, the dogs ate doggie ice cream, and were given toys to take home with them.
We had professional pictures taken when she was 5 months old, which I adore.
It's been such a joy to have her in my life, even when life sometimes doesn't go the way I planned.
I thank God everyday for her.
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