Thursday, January 29, 2009
Obama Impersonator
I watched Entertainment Tonight and saw this Obama impersonator from Ohio. He is quite funny. He has several videos on youtube. I will post one of them on here. Hopefully, you are able to view it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration 2009: President Barack Obama

What a glorious day it was today!!! President Barack Obama became our 44th President of the United States. He is our first African American President, which is historical. It has brought us all together. There were about 1.9 million people in Washington D.C. to witness his taking the oath of office. Aretha Franklin sang a tune in this hideous outfit that had this big bow on her hat. It was so funny!
I watched the whole days events over the internet at work. Penny, Linda, the nurses, etc. were also watching the festivities. It was quite a momentous occasion.
I liked the fact that the Obamas got out of the car during the parade to walk. That was pretty cool.
I learned today that it is tradition for the outgoing president to be escorted by the new president to his plane. The Bush's were headed back to Texas for a welcome home celebration.
President Obama and his wife had a first ever Neighborhood Ball, in which the public could attend. That would have been fun to go to. They danced their first dance as President and First Lady. She had on a beautiful white gown.
Ted Kennedy collapsed at the luncheon earlier and had to be sent to the Washington hospital. From the news reports, he is doing well.
God Bless America!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Stupid Dog Owners
I must be on a 'stupid people' tangent this week, as I am seeing so many of them. ha ha
Last night, I was taking my dog outside at 11 p.m. and this big dog comes up to us. I wondered where the owner was. She was nowhere around. Maggie's teeth were coming out and she was barking like crazy. Of course, I had picked her up, as I am afraid of big dogs around her, after she was attacked by a boxer 3 yrs ago here at the apartment complex. I did sue the girl for vet bills and won, but have never been able to collect on it. I've done all of the paperwork that can be done to seize her property, too.
Anyway, I yelled at the owner to come get your dog. I had to yell twice. The dog was trying to jump on us. All dogs at the complex are supposed to be leashed. Finally, the owner comes with a leash. She is all smiley. Of course, I am not smiley, as I am protecting myself and my dog. I was grumpy and told her that she needs to leash her dog and that Maggie has been attacked by a dog here before. She says 'her dog would never hurt anyone.' That's what all dog owners say, as well as mothers of murderers. lol I was not too happy with her! I will report her to the front office, too. I won't hesitate to call the police or Vector Control to take the dog away, if there is no owner in sight. I don't want to become an old bitty in my aging process, but so tired of seeing such stupid, lazy people everywhere.
Last night, I was taking my dog outside at 11 p.m. and this big dog comes up to us. I wondered where the owner was. She was nowhere around. Maggie's teeth were coming out and she was barking like crazy. Of course, I had picked her up, as I am afraid of big dogs around her, after she was attacked by a boxer 3 yrs ago here at the apartment complex. I did sue the girl for vet bills and won, but have never been able to collect on it. I've done all of the paperwork that can be done to seize her property, too.
Anyway, I yelled at the owner to come get your dog. I had to yell twice. The dog was trying to jump on us. All dogs at the complex are supposed to be leashed. Finally, the owner comes with a leash. She is all smiley. Of course, I am not smiley, as I am protecting myself and my dog. I was grumpy and told her that she needs to leash her dog and that Maggie has been attacked by a dog here before. She says 'her dog would never hurt anyone.' That's what all dog owners say, as well as mothers of murderers. lol I was not too happy with her! I will report her to the front office, too. I won't hesitate to call the police or Vector Control to take the dog away, if there is no owner in sight. I don't want to become an old bitty in my aging process, but so tired of seeing such stupid, lazy people everywhere.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My Generation
Today, I went to the movie, "Grand Torino" which starred Clint Eastwood as a rigid, old widower, who battles the changes in his neighborhood in Michigan. The movie was excellent!! It really depicts well what is happening in our inner cities. There is alot of racial tension in the central part of many cities across the United States.
This older man grew up learning to defend himself, taking care of his home, and working for a living. He was devoted to his job for 50 yrs, devoted husband and father, and still had his opinions of other ethnicities.
My generation, and I am sure generations to come, have not been taught what respect is. For example, when an older person drops their groceries, many younger people just make fun of them and walk on by. But, in past generations, a neighbor would help the older person with their groceries.
Back in the 50s, you didn't see all of these gangs in our cities, destroying what beauty we had. What about all of the people who 'use' the system to pay their way, so they don't have to work for an honest man's pay.
What has happened with this world? Are parents just not caring anymore? Do they not want to teach their kids simple things like being honest, being helpful,thanking people, and growing up to be responsible citizens? Is that just too much work for them?
Those are questions that go through my mind.
This movie brought out alot of things that are happening in our own backyards. I wish I could have lived back in the 50s, where life was much simpler.
This older man grew up learning to defend himself, taking care of his home, and working for a living. He was devoted to his job for 50 yrs, devoted husband and father, and still had his opinions of other ethnicities.
My generation, and I am sure generations to come, have not been taught what respect is. For example, when an older person drops their groceries, many younger people just make fun of them and walk on by. But, in past generations, a neighbor would help the older person with their groceries.
Back in the 50s, you didn't see all of these gangs in our cities, destroying what beauty we had. What about all of the people who 'use' the system to pay their way, so they don't have to work for an honest man's pay.
What has happened with this world? Are parents just not caring anymore? Do they not want to teach their kids simple things like being honest, being helpful,thanking people, and growing up to be responsible citizens? Is that just too much work for them?
Those are questions that go through my mind.
This movie brought out alot of things that are happening in our own backyards. I wish I could have lived back in the 50s, where life was much simpler.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I went to another movie called "Seven Pounds". The movie can be quite confusing, but in the end, it is all tied together.
The central character begins as a successful man, living in a beach house, driving a fancy car, with a beautiful fiance. They are driving down the road and he becomes pre-occupied with his Blackberry, which causes a car accident, killing his fiance, and 6 people in a van.
His life was never the same after the accident. He spends his life, then, helping others in various ways. He gives a lung to one, a part of a liver to lady, bone marrow to a child, and eventually, a heart to this woman, and his eyes to a blind man.
There were three messages that this movie gave to me. First, you need to take the time to spend with your loved ones and not be pre-occupied with electronics when driving. Second, when you act like you are better than others, that's when life can come crashing down, and wake you up. Third, donating organs can help so many people in need.
The central character begins as a successful man, living in a beach house, driving a fancy car, with a beautiful fiance. They are driving down the road and he becomes pre-occupied with his Blackberry, which causes a car accident, killing his fiance, and 6 people in a van.
His life was never the same after the accident. He spends his life, then, helping others in various ways. He gives a lung to one, a part of a liver to lady, bone marrow to a child, and eventually, a heart to this woman, and his eyes to a blind man.
There were three messages that this movie gave to me. First, you need to take the time to spend with your loved ones and not be pre-occupied with electronics when driving. Second, when you act like you are better than others, that's when life can come crashing down, and wake you up. Third, donating organs can help so many people in need.
Maggie & Me

Today, I went to two movies. Brittanie's 13th birthday was yesterday, so I took her out for lunch and to a movie of her choice. We went to see Marlie & Me. I didn't say to her that I had already seen it, as I knew she wanted to see it. Anyone who has a dog, would relate to this movie.
While watching it the 2nd time around, I picked up on some things I had missed the first time.
I think the hardest thing besides losing a close one, is to lose your beloved pet.
Maggie has been in my life for 5 years now, and I can't imagine my life without her. She is always there at the door when I come home, on my bed at night, and doesn't seem to care how fat I might look. She is just the most devoted friend in the world.
A nurse from work, Betsy, gave me the choice on which dog I would like...the black one or white one. At first, another employee, Jean, was going to take the white one, but then changed her mind, so I took the white one. I looked on the computer at dog names and Maggie just rang a bell with me.
It is quite fitting that Maggie was born under a computer desk, as I love to play around on my laptop.
Anyway, when Betsy brought Maggie to me at 6 weeks, I was so excited. The first day, this little 3 pound dog was so scared that she went and hid behind the refrigerator. You can imagine the panic, as I had never had a dog before and was so scared she would get hurt behind that refrigerator. I called Betsy for help.
The other place that Maggie liked to hide was under the lazy boy. We had to watch it when we got out, that she was out of there.
That first night, I put Maggie in a crate that was all filled with comfy blankets and toys. Well, she howled and threw up a couple of times. So, I washed her linens and put her back. I eventually let her out of there.
After week 1, she had peed all over the house and both my mom and I wondered what we were getting into. At one point, I thought that I made a mistake and that I should give her back.
But, after week 2, I started to fall in love with Maggie and life hasn't been the same since.
Maggie has been one spoiled dog. She has a swimsuit, Burberry coat, toys galore, comfy bed, and many outfits.
Maggie has been on family vacations to: Ann Arbor, Chicago, Indiana, Jamestown, NY, and Mackinaw City.
I gave her doggie birthday parties the first three birthdays, which were alot of fun. My friends and their dogs came over for the party. We played games, the dogs ate doggie ice cream, and were given toys to take home with them.
We had professional pictures taken when she was 5 months old, which I adore.
It's been such a joy to have her in my life, even when life sometimes doesn't go the way I planned.
I thank God everyday for her.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Saturday Mornings
I love Saturday mornings in the winter because I can just sleep in until late in the morning. Maggie had to go to her doggie day spa for some much needed pampering. My mom and I went to the movie, 'Doubt', starring Meryl Streep. She is an excellent actress. I hope she gets nominated for an Academy Award for this role.
Tonight, we are going to the Brett Hayes spaghetti benefit in North Muskegon at the VFW.
We only have 21 days until we leave for Florida! I can't wait to get away from the snow and cold here!
Tonight, we are going to the Brett Hayes spaghetti benefit in North Muskegon at the VFW.
We only have 21 days until we leave for Florida! I can't wait to get away from the snow and cold here!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Icy Roads
Advisories were on the weather report today for freezing ice. I went outside early this morning to take Maggie outside and boy, it was icy, just like they predicted. I decided to stay home today and off the slick roads.
Our newspaper didn't get delivered today, as the deliverer was unable to drive on our icy roads at our apartment complex. She said that they were out at 4 a.m. delivering newspapers and it took until 3 p.m. to finish, as some of the side roads were very slick and the car wouldn't go back and forth on the ice.
That is the reason why I hate this time of the year. I hate the cloudiness, cold, ice, and snow. I was so hoping to be living in a warm climate by this winter, but plans got changed. I am convinced that I have seasonal depression this time of the year, with the lack of sunshine.
During the summer, I am constantly busy doing things and rarely home. In the winter, I tend to hibernate in the house. I have been home 2 days and sick and tired of just sitting around. I am playing on and learning how to play Yahtzee quite well, as well as typing up old diaries. It is quite amuzing to read what I wrote back in the day. I have been working on this project off and on for a few years. My goal is to have it all in one big book. I have been writing in journals since I was 10 years old so that is around 24 years of journals to scan or type up. What a job.
Well, I must go and type up my accomplishments from 2008, as well as my goals for 2009.
Our newspaper didn't get delivered today, as the deliverer was unable to drive on our icy roads at our apartment complex. She said that they were out at 4 a.m. delivering newspapers and it took until 3 p.m. to finish, as some of the side roads were very slick and the car wouldn't go back and forth on the ice.
That is the reason why I hate this time of the year. I hate the cloudiness, cold, ice, and snow. I was so hoping to be living in a warm climate by this winter, but plans got changed. I am convinced that I have seasonal depression this time of the year, with the lack of sunshine.
During the summer, I am constantly busy doing things and rarely home. In the winter, I tend to hibernate in the house. I have been home 2 days and sick and tired of just sitting around. I am playing on and learning how to play Yahtzee quite well, as well as typing up old diaries. It is quite amuzing to read what I wrote back in the day. I have been working on this project off and on for a few years. My goal is to have it all in one big book. I have been writing in journals since I was 10 years old so that is around 24 years of journals to scan or type up. What a job.
Well, I must go and type up my accomplishments from 2008, as well as my goals for 2009.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Barnes N Noble

Barnes & Noble is becoming my new hangout joint. I enjoy getting a drink at Starbucks, then grabbing a book and sitting in the overstuffed chairs. It is a great way to get out and people watch, while check out some interesting books or magazines.
I don't like to hang outside in the winter, as you all know. I am a total indoor person when the cold comes.
I got a kick out of this book I was reading today about College Humor. Some of the advice is way out there and then some of it brought back memories at Western Michigan University.
Now, I am about to type up my old diary entries. I have been writing in journals since I was 10 yrs old. My goal is to get it all into one big book. It is quite funny to read about experiences over the years and see how I thought at that time. Things that were a big deal back then would not be that big of a deal to me now.
I guess that must mean I am growing old.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Years 2009
Bill & Hillary Clinton pushed the button for the ball to go down in New York City. This year, they have a new ball that is supposed to be energy efficient. It cost millions of dollars. It was quite pretty, too.
I enjoy just staying home and watching the ball drop, instead of going to parties and risking my life on the roads with stupid, drunk drivers.
My mom and I had dinner at Garfield's Restaurant on New Years Eve. It just opened a month ago in the Lakes Mall. My mom enjoyed her Bourbon Shrimp and I had quesadillas. We thought the prices were pretty high, though, for a restaurant in the mall. She didn't like her half cooked vegetables and tried to substitute, but they said they would have to charge for substitutions, so she wasn't too happy about that. The manager came around to see how things were and she mentioned that. He said they want suggestions, so they can give them to the corporate manager.
This weekend, I am going to write out my accomplishments for 2008. My mom started having us do that a few years ago, and it is nice to see the positive things we did in the past year, instead of dwelling on the negatives.
We went to see my aunt Charlene's new room in her basement with her new big screen TV. She decorated it very nice. She has cute movie posters on the walls. I told her to tell everyone that it is her 'movie theater room'.
We got a big screen TV about a month ago and really like it.
Had ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery which was delicious.
Hoping everyone has a happy and healthy new year.
I enjoy just staying home and watching the ball drop, instead of going to parties and risking my life on the roads with stupid, drunk drivers.
My mom and I had dinner at Garfield's Restaurant on New Years Eve. It just opened a month ago in the Lakes Mall. My mom enjoyed her Bourbon Shrimp and I had quesadillas. We thought the prices were pretty high, though, for a restaurant in the mall. She didn't like her half cooked vegetables and tried to substitute, but they said they would have to charge for substitutions, so she wasn't too happy about that. The manager came around to see how things were and she mentioned that. He said they want suggestions, so they can give them to the corporate manager.
This weekend, I am going to write out my accomplishments for 2008. My mom started having us do that a few years ago, and it is nice to see the positive things we did in the past year, instead of dwelling on the negatives.
We went to see my aunt Charlene's new room in her basement with her new big screen TV. She decorated it very nice. She has cute movie posters on the walls. I told her to tell everyone that it is her 'movie theater room'.
We got a big screen TV about a month ago and really like it.
Had ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery which was delicious.
Hoping everyone has a happy and healthy new year.
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