Tuesday, May 4, 1993

May 4, 1993: Community Foundation Scholarship Interview

Mr. Hesling said he had confidence in me. That made me happy. I visited Sue today. She stayed home from school today because Ashley woke up a lot last night and Sue was tired. Sue missed the cadaver trip which would’ve been interesting.

I went to Jim Lemieux’s wife’s restaurant (Main Street at the old site of Prickley Pear on Ruddiman Road in North Muskegon). Today was Grandpa and Grandma’s 46th Wedding Anniversary.

I met Mrs. Lemieux. She had dark hair and blue eyes. The food was ok, but nothing spectacular.

I went to Sue’s house to bring her to the Beardsley building for our scholarship interviews.

Sue took Ashley to Anna Jacobson’s house to be babysat by Mrs. Jacobs.

The interview was hilarious. Brett Cutler came dressed in a full suit, executive pad, and an umbrella. We almost fell down laughing.

The interview was on the 3rd floor. Talked with Brandy Outwin. I met a guy from Reeth’s Puffer named Eric. He was going to Alma College. He was majoring in Pre-med. He wanted to go into radiology. He was cute, funny, and probably would be rich someday. I think I should have taken him home. He worked at Mr. Quicks and was looking for another job. He was ashamed to work at Mr. Quicks. Gee, I wonder why.

He thought my job at Plumb’s in the deli sounded fun. He was trying to get a job at Rafferty’s. He worked with the Mona Shores Alumni, Markelle Fox. He had already received $7,000 in scholarships.

Nathan Adams, Heather Mell, Michelle Lehan, and Saskia Doctor were also at the interview. I left like a dummy next to them.

I came home and wrote a thank you note to the people who interviewed me.  Sue did well at her interview too.  I saw Molly Piersma and Sarah Meisch there, too.

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