I was surprised when Josh invited me to his niece's house for her annual pumpkin carving party. Ashten has a lovely home on Judson which isn't far from my house. I have only met her once so was hoping Josh would pick me up to go there, but he didn't. I got there early and joined him in the art room where he had already started carving his pumpkin. I hadn't carved a pumpkin in about 30 years. Now, they have stencils you can use to make all types of designs on your pumpkin.
Everyone brought delicious food to the event. There was beer, cider, and mixed drinks available. Ashten had a bonfire outside. Later on, Josh and I were out by the bonfire listening to Ashten's friend, Max, play the guitar. I think he said he had been playing guitar since he was 5. He graduated from a college in Iowa in music therapy. He works in hospitals and hospices with patients with brain damage. The sounds of the guitar help to heal brain injuries.
I met Josh's oldest sister, Heather. Tamar and her boyfriend, Jordan, were at the party, but just stayed long enough to carve their pumpkins.
Josh tended to be off in a distance from others at the party and enjoy playing with the guitar outside by the bonfire. I'm the same way at a party. I am not always right in the middle of things.
Everyone at the party was very nice. I hope to be able to go to the party again next year.
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