Mom and I got up early for our drive to Tallahassee to visit with her friend Abi. Abi lives in Monticello which is outside of the city. On our way, we stopped in Ocala to look around. I found out that John Travolta's house is in the city of Anthony, so we went to find it. There isn't much in Anthony. It is quite the hick town. I called Jeanne from work to look it up on the computer so we could see Travolta's house. It was at the Jumbo Aviation Estates. We couldn't see much as there was a gate at the entrance. But, we did find the runway that is on his property.
On I-75, there are Florida Citrus stops. We stopped at one and had some samples of different types of oranges.
We took highway 10 to Monticello, which is where Abi lives.
Abi took us into Tallahassee where we saw the capital buildings. Her daughter, Lyyli, is a law clerk for the Supreme Court of Florida. We got to see her office, as well as the Supreme Court. I got a picture of myself sitting at the Chief Supreme Court's seat which was pretty neat.
Abi took us around Florida State University and through town.
We got back from Tally and she took us to a laughter yoga class. I always wondered what that was like, after meeting the guy who started it in California. I met him at the Lucille Ball celebration 2 yrs ago. His name is Sebastian. There are over 5,000 groups across the world that do this. I never laughed so hard!
It strengthens your stomach muscles.
After that, we went back to Tally to meet Todd Kramer at the Barnes N Noble. I met him on the internet a year ago and we talked off and on. One of the first things he asked last year was if I would convert to Judaism, which I said No to as I don't believe in that. So, that was an issue late last year and we stopped talking. But, I thought that since we were in the area, I would look him up, so sent him a text message and he responded. It was nice to meet him in person. I was always curious. My mom and Abi came along. I don't usually bring my mom to meet my dates, but being that I was in a strange town, I figured I better bring her.
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