We stopped by the Lawvers house. Adam answered the door. He was real happy to see us. We came in and talked to Jo who was painting the bathroom next to the kitchen. Adam was glad that Kim and Colin broke up. Heather Klee was coming back in May to live here and go to graduate school. Adam took us outside to the bird pen to see two new baby birds and their flock.
We came back in and sat in the living room and talked with Jo. They were planning on coming to my graduation open house. Jase came home with Jo’s brother, Scott, who became handicapped from a bee sting. Jase brought us a glass of 7-up in their new blue glasses. Their kitchen was full of dirty dishes.
Took Adam, Jase, and Joy in my ’83 Skyhawk to Jo’s mom’s (Jane Brecker) house. We took US 23 North to I94 West towards Chicago and got off at Zeeb Road which we missed. Jase said that he has missed Zeeb Road a lot too.
We went by Joy’s high school in Dexter. Jase got us back on track with some mistakes. He said “Turn left, dear!” We got to 3810 Greenock where Jo’s mom lives. It was a brown house with a brown garage that looked like ours. Met Jase’s grandmother.
We talked with Jase and his grandmother. We were given directions home. Adam and Jase were going to rake leaves. Jase’s name was Jase Wilber Lawver. Isn’t that funny! I said my thank you’s and goodbyes. I’ve gotta marry Jase!
We got home on Joy Road to Earhart. I must’ve missed one of the roads that Mrs. Brecker told us to take, but got home. Joy Rd. was gravel and so damn bumpy.
We went to a Seder Meal---Passover with Kim, Joy, and George. I had matzah, herbs, horseradish, and 4 cups of wine. The pamphlet explained everything about the meal.
We had a delicious potluck. I met Carrie, Tony, and Paul that went to their church.
On my way home, Kim put a song in her tape deck called “I’m an Asshole”. We watched Beverly Hills 90210 and Home Improvement.
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