Monday, June 20, 2016

June 19, 2016: Swimming across Duck Lake

I was planning to go to the B-93 Birthday Bash with Becky, but got up too late and it was supposed to be 90 degrees so we decided not to go.   I had been excited to go, but didn't want to get more sunburned.    Becky was fine either way.  

I was so excited when Josh said we would go to the beach.      We stayed inside for a bit and played on our electronic devices and then went down to Duck Lake State Park which I had never gone too.    At first, the water was cold, but I pinky swore I would go in the water.  Had a great time with Josh.   I swam across Duck Lake and back and impressed Josh.   It was the highlight of my day.  Actually,  hanging out with Josh always brings me happiness.     We had pizza for dinner and hung out.   I think it was a great weekend.

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