Saturday, October 28, 1995

October 28, 1995: Weng Sum's 21st Birthday

We had a tailgate party before the football game today.   The food was delicious.    I met five alumni from Phi Chi Theta at the game.      We beat Bowling Green 14-7.

After the game, Scott Gilbert, Liz Lawrence, Tammy Hubek, Shawn Young, Brandie Darr, Mandy, Heather Flannery, Rebecca Wall, Nina, and I went to Brandie's apartment for a surprise 21st birthday party for Weng Sum.     Weng Sum only drank root beer.     I hung out alot with Scott Gilbert.  He owned 2 Volkswagons that were 25 years old.    He was from a northeast suburb of Detroit.     Scott said he liked to raid people's refrigerators and cupboards.   

Weng Sum ate 7 cupcakes.    He was always so funny.

Saturday, October 14, 1995

October 14, 1995: Mid-Court

Our pledge class had to be at the business college early in the morning.   We were locked in there from 8 a.m.- 3 p.m.   Scott Gilbert and I became good friends this semester.   Found out Kevin Lyman wanted Mary Beth Menelli as a big so he could hit on her.    I am glad Tracy King is my Big Sister.     Kevin showed up late to Mid-court which made Rob very mad.    There were certain activities we had to do to get through Mid-Court.  At the end, our Bigs gave us cards and presents for making it through.  This marked the halfway point of our pledging Phi Chi Theta.   

There was always a big party after Mid-Court and Honor Court.  Today's party was at Tracy's house.  We all let loose and had a great time.

Friday, October 13, 1995

October 13, 1995: Valet Parking at Gilmores

We did a fundraiser for Phi Chi Theta tonight.   We did this for Gilmores in Kalmazoo.    I got to drive a BMW, Ford Explorer, Grand Marquis, etc.  I ended up dropping Economics class today, as I was having a tough time in the class.    Also, I didn't like the teacher.    I hoped that it wouldn't affect my graduation date, but it didn't.    I just concentrated more on my other 4 subjects. 

Wednesday, October 11, 1995

October 11, 1995: Carlos Murphys

As pledges, we had some events that we participated in.   My big sister in Phi Chi Theta, Tracy King, and I went to Carlos Murphys Restaurant and met up with Carl Britton, Wendy Medich, Tammy Hubek, and Mary Cisner .  The group changed my big to Tracy King, as Kevin Lyman wasn't professional about being a big brother.   In the evening, Nina, Mike, Tammy, and I went to Kegger's Dance Club and met up with some other Phi Chi Theta members.    It was in downtown Kalamazoo.

Monday, October 2, 1995

October 2, 1995: Kara Filius

I got a surprise call from Kara Filius.  She thought she'd call after of a month of being at WMU.    I told her about my roommate and what a slob she was.  Kara said to just throw all of her stuff on her bed and make her clean it up.  She said that keeping your room clean was a courteous to the other person.    Kara would do that when her roommates were slobs.    Dawn yelled at me for not recycling.    I told her we don't have the room in this dorm to recycle and I wasn't going to do it.  

Kara couldn't believe I went out drinking.

I had my interview with Lieschen Scut from Phi Chi Theta.   Lieschen was very nice.    She is also in a sorority.  She's from Korea and was adoped by a caucasian family at the age of 6 months. Lieschen liked my outlook on life which was:  Don't give a darn about what people think, just be happy with what you like   

Found out my RA, Moi, may resign and move into an apartment.   Dawn said she might be our new RA.   

Hung out with Amy Klopp, Harmony, and Ashley.  Found out that the jurors in the OJ Simpson trial made their decision in only 4 hours.   The verdict was going to be the next day.