Monday, September 1, 2008

Grandma Gonyo's Farm house in Brunswick

Mom, Grandpa, and I stopped at John and Kathy Morrison's farm house in Brunswick, Michigan today to get some peaches. I thought we should try and see if they were home. John is my Grandma Gonyo's nephew. Grandma grew up in this farm house up until the age of 5 when her father passed away. Then, she moved with her family to Fremont. I have never been in this house before. Kathy gave us a tour of it and we got to see the bedroom that grandma lived in. She was upstairs in the bedroom to the left with 3 windows overlooking M-120. We also saw where her sister, Pauline's room was. The house has been renovated/remodeled. It is around 146 yrs old. Kathy has the original deed to the house in her living room. It was bought for only $104.

John and Kathy have 3 boys. The oldest is teaching English in South Korea. The middle child just left for Michigan State University, and the youngest, Max, is a senior at Fremont High School.

I am really glad we were able to see the house and see them after all of these years.

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