My mother called me at work this afternoon to tell me that Beulah Justian passed away Tuesday night in her sleep. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer back in May. I knew she was sick, but had no idea how fast she would go.
I am so glad we were able to go to McAllen, Texas this past winter to see her. She took us everywhere while we were there. She was a super friend to us, whom we considered as a family member, too. She made you feel a part of her family.
She took wonderful care of my grandpa Thomas when they were down in Texas. I thought of her as a grandmother.
She was a wonderful artist and gave my mom an oil painting of pumpkins that she just made in the past month in a class she was taking. She was really good at China painting, too. There were some of her paintings on the wall at the trailer in Texas, which I took pictures of this past winter.
I am going to miss her very much! I know she is in heaven now! God Bless her always!
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