Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013: Dykemas and Jasmine Morse

What started out as a quiet Saturday, turned out to be a busy one.    Bob Dykema called us in the morning to see if we would be home around 1 p.m. as he and Becky would like to come for a visit.   I was quite excited to see them.  Bob and Becky have been good friends of ours over the years.  When I was a kid, I would go stay with them and their kids, Kim and Steve.   They used to have an in ground pool which was a lot of fun. Kim taught me to do hand stands in the pool. I remember Steve would come chase us around the house with his water gun.   
Anyway,  it was Bob's 50th high school class reunion.  He graduated from Muskegon High School and grew up a few blocks away from my dad and uncle.
We all took a walk on our trail around the condo complex.  It was a cool day, but still okay for walking.    My mom had made some delicious banana bread, so we sat down and had a piece of that.

Later on, Jim and Melanie brought the kids over.  Jasmine was going to have a sleep over at our house.    Jasmine told me she prayed all week that she would be able to come over my house.  That sure melted my heart.

We made cupcakes and decorated them, while watching an episode of Cake Boss on Netflix.   I think Jasmine enjoyed yelling at my mom to keep her spoon out of the batter.  I got such a kick out of that.    Then, we went downstairs and watched the 3D movie, Madagascar.  I made popcorn in my fancy maker and some cotton candy.  It was a lot of fun.     I don't like cleaning out the popcorn machine so only use it for special occasions.

Maggie slept most of the night with Jasmine.  Jasmine said Maggie licked her from head to toe.  

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