Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 2012: Move-in Day at the Stillwater Springs Condo

Our condo builder, Ron Stroup, received the certificate of occupancy, so told us we could move in before the closing date, as he knew we needed to be out of our apartment by June 13th.    That was very nice of him to give us that permission.

My Mom and I started bringing things over this past weekend.   Even though I got rid of a bunch of stuff in January, it still seemed like I had so much.    

I think Maggie was a little confused with what was going on.    

I picked up some furniture I had ordered through Pier 1 Imports.  It sure was nice to have my Honda CRV for hauling it all.   What a blessing!   We made several trips to Pier 1.   

My leather Lazy Boy was delivered early in the morning.   The delivery guys were Hispanic and so funny. They got a kick out of my life size bear sitting in the Lazy Boy.  

I put together my pub table and unpacked the buffet table.  Maggie was trying to get into the styrofoam that was in the boxes.      She seemed to be having so much fun running up and down the stairs.     

It was quite an exhausting day moving all of our stuff.   

The moving van came later in the day to bring our big furniture.      They helped us get our beds put together which was nice.

In the evening, we decided to celebrate by having some popcorn and an ice cream sundae.   I turned on the fireplace to see how that looked.   I will never forget looking out the windows of the 3 season room and looking at the neighboring condos and feeling so blessed that we could live in such a beautiful condo.  

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