Sunday, November 5, 2000

November 5, 2000: Grand Rapids: Tamara Ryan & Tamara Hubek Coon

Had breakfast with George, Marianne, and Joy at the VFW, then left for Grand Rapids.     I went to Tamara Ryan's house in Grand Rapids.    Tamara Hubek came from Kalamazoo.    They were impressed at how well I dressed.   That sure made my day.   We took a walk around the neighborhood and to the park.   We went to this wonderful Mexican restaurant on 28th Street for dinner.    They had wonderful queso dip.   We looked at Tamara Ohs Ryan's photo albums which was fun.    Then, I drove Tamara Hubek Coon back to Kalamazoo.   We had alot of fun on the way.

Then, I went to visit my old roommate, Rose Carlson's apartment in Kalamazoo.  It was decorated like Martha Stewart would do.   She still watched the "Young and the Restless".   Then, I had to drive back to Chicago. I got an attitude from the toll booth lady in Chicago and knew I was back in the big city.

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