Saturday, September 23, 2000

September 23, 2000: Chicago Cares

This was my third weekend monitoring for work. I ended up going into work to get it done faster.   I did some volunteer work for Chicago Cares at the food depository.   I got a ride from some girls to the facility on Pulaski.   They were all impressed by my great sense of direction.   We spent 3 hours packaging noodles.   On the way home, we stopped at Krispy Kreme donuts.   Then, I went back to Information Resources to check on the jobs in the system. I gave Jase a call.   He broke his foot during the first week of training at the state police academy, so had to be on crutches.   He wasn't sure if he would be able to finish the course.   He said life didn't always go the way you wanted it to.   Adam hurt his vertebrae, so he couldn't play sports.    Skip had to have cataract surgery on Monday.    

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