Friday, April 8, 2016

April 2, 2016: Ludington with Josh

I have been enjoying hanging out with Josh Buxton these last 4 months.      I am really crazy about him.     I will always remember him for many reasons of which I won't discuss on this blog.  He called me to see if I wanted to take a drive up to Ludington to this music store, as he wanted to get a mount for his I-pad on a microphone and get a cord for his keyboard he found at Goodwill.   They sold quite a few beautiful guitars at the store.     I expected them to cost $1000 but you could get a nice one for $300.     
Then, Josh took me to this cute coffee shop in downtown Ludington and got my a drink and we split a treat.      

Then, we drove to the Ludington State Park as I had never been there before.  We talked about walking from Whitehall to Ludington this summer which I hope we do. He showed me his favorite pizza place there.
Josh was quite impressed that I got us back to Whitehall to pick up his sister, Olivia, with only 4 minutes to spare.   
I wanted to see this concert at Fetch Brewing which is near Olivia's apartment.   Josh didn't really want to go, but we went for maybe 15 minutes. I didn't realize how packed that place got on a Saturday night.      I stayed at their apartment that night.     

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